Saturday, October 29, 2005

October update

ChooseCrueltyFree Expo - Last Sunday's expo was fabulous & we met loads of new & fascinating people (some of whom already had indoor buns). We were armed with our new brochure & printouts as well as our handmade animal themed necklaces which did really well. The atmosphere was very positive & as always there were heaps of amazing things to look at, try & buy without hurting one single animal. I was particularly impressed with Pronto Bronto's schnitzel burger (not being a burger person, I thought it was quite yummy!).

Emily's phantom pregnancy - One of Lucky's daughters, Emily, decided to have a phantom pregnancy last week. Not only was she pulling out her own fur, she started pulling fur out of her own mother & sisters to line her nest & stole all the hay out of the tray. Fortunately this didn't last long (probably difficult keeping her nest in place with three others galavanting about) but it does mean that we will probably be getting her "done" shortly. Of course, the idea was to have everyone desexed so I suppose that's on the cards over the next few months!

Dingy - Dingleberry is still tilted unfortunately and doesn't look like she'll be righted at all in the foreseeable future. She is coping with her directional dilemma and can run & stand & lie down just fine. We are trialling her on Valerian (just a little pinch of a capsule on her evening meal) to see if that helps her relax a little more & stop rolling (trial by our vet). She does seem to have stopped rolling as uncontrollably as she was at the beginning but there are still moments she falls. All in all though, she's in high spirits but a little bored. We're trying to figure out how to reintroduce a cardboard box for her to chew without it getting in her way & upsetting her (this was her favourite pastime as she was a "project" bunny from way back!).

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Cruelty Free Lifestyle Expo

Make your own decisions how you can live cruelty free!

Check out the food, cosmetics, toiletries, lifestyle issues, massage, cooking demos, live music, raffles, wine, beer, devonshire tea, household products, organic fruit/vegies, free workshops/talks & prizes

Sunday 23 October
10am - 5pm

Prahran Town Hall
(Cnr Greville & Chapel Streets - Mel ref: 2L H11)
Prahran, Victoria

Admission $10 Children free
Free showbags while stocks last

EC turns out to be ear infection

Dingle recently visited another vet for a toe amputation (she damaged her toe while rolling). While at the vet she had an xray on her head to see what caused the head tilt. It turns out that it was caused originally by an inner ear infection. Unfortunately, the treatment that we provided in the early days for a suspected EC did absolutely nothing to fix this infection. If Dingle had received penicillin injections from day 1, she may have made an improvement. So the moral of the story is that if your bunny gets a head tilt, ask for all possible treatments - pain killers, penicillin injections, panacur (for EC), Baytril (antibiotic) and ask the vet to look into further research and updates on these conditions.

Recent research results in the US have suggested that dwarf rabbits are more susceptible to EC with 80% of head tilt rabbits returning positive results. In comparison, larger rabbits with head tilt returned 0% positive results for EC, suggesting they had contracted a head tilt in another way.